On behalf of the International Commission of Military History and the Portuguese Commission of Military History, we would like to officially invite you to attend and participate in “The XLIX International Congress of Military History” on September 1-6, 2024, in Lisbon, Portugal.
The Portuguese Commission of Military History, in association with the Portuguese Military University Institute, has the honor to host the XLIX International Congress of Military History in 2024, which coincides with the 50 years of the so-called "Carnation Revolution" on April 25, 1974, in Portugal.
The Theme of the Congress will be “The Role of the Military in Political Transitions: from the 18th century to the present day”.
Since the existence of professional armies, there have been military interventions in the sense of seizing the established power, in the form of a coup d'état or military revolution…
The case of Portugal, and with regard to the captains' revolution of April 25, 1974, is an excellent example of a peaceful political transition between the military and the citizens elected by the people in free and fair elections.
The transition processes from the revolutionary military to the elected civilians took place all over the world, with more or less conflict, with more or less support of the international organizations, and with more or less respect for the values of democracy.
We intend to discuss the different roles of the military (organized or not – with foreign support or not) in taking power, and the processes of political transition, in the sense of learning from the past…
In close cooperation and continuous communication with the ICMH Presidency, ICMH Bibliography, Archives, and Education Committees, and the Portuguese Military University Institute, the Portuguese Commission of Military History will organize meetings of ICMH Boards and Committees, working sessions, workshops, and panels.
The congress sessions will be held in the conference halls of Portuguese Military University Institute (Pedrouços) and there will be transportation from the Hotel (Oeiras) to the congress.
Portugal and Lisbon offer unique historical and cultural richness to its visitors.
The participants and accompanying persons of the Congress will experience the unique history, culture, and tastes of Lisbon through carefully planned tours. The Portuguese Commission of Military History will provide participants with an opportunity to visit historical places such as the Fort of S. Julião da Barra, Mosteiro dos Jerónimos, the Convento do Carmo and the magnificent navy (Belém), army (Santa Apolónia) and air force (Sintra) museums. The participants will also enjoy a visit to Mafra, his Royal Palace, the Basilica, the Library; and the Lines of Torres Vedras.
Participants of the Congress can travel to Lisbon by plane or car. Lisbon has one international airport inside the city. Lisbon International Airport has flight connections with many cities around the world. Public transportation and shuttle services to the various neighborhoods of the city are available.
There will also be a program for accompanying persons - details of which will follow - including tours to historical places and shopping venues of Lisbon, as well as the evening program and the cultural day with the participants.
Congress sub-topics
- Military interventions in the sense of seizing the established power, in the form of a coup d'état or military revolution (planning, organization, support, execution of military operation…);
- The military in the interventions, organized or not, with or without the support of security forces or militarized forces;
- Peaceful political transitions between the military and the citizens elected by the people in free and fair elections;
- The role of international organizations in the transition processes from the military to civilians;
- Consequences of foreign support (other States, Private Military Companies, Warlords) to military coup leaders.
Congress high patronage
Presidência da República Portuguesa (Presidency of the Portuguese Republic)