
(​A5 P​DF​​​​​​​​​​​)​​

CV's and Abstracts info packet​ download HER​​E​​​​​(pdf).   qr code2.png ​​


Saturday, August 31

All Day — Registration of Participants and Accompanying Persons at the Lagoas Park Hotel​​

Sunday, September 1

All Day — Registration of Participants and Accompanying Persons at the Lagoas Park Hotel (Dress 3)

10.00-12.00 — Meeting of the Executive Board and of the Archives Committee (both at the Lagoas Park Hotel)

12.00-14.00 — Free lunch

15.00-17.30 — Trip to Historical Lisbon (by bus – departure from the Lagoas Park Hotel)

18.30 — Departure from the Lagoas Park Hotel

19.00 — Reception and Dinner offered by the Minister of National Defense at Fort of S. Julião da Barra (Dress 1)

Monday, September 2

07.00-08.30 — Breakfast at the Lagoas Park Hotel (Dress 1)

08.30 — Departure from the Lagoas Park Hotel

09.15 — Arrival to the Congress Venue (Military University Institute)

10.00 - 11.30 — Opening Session (Ivens Ferraz Auditorium)

- by the Commander of the Military University Institute, LTGen Teodoro Maio​

- by the Presidente of the Portuguese Commission of Military History, MGen João Vieira Borges

- by the President of the International Commission of the Military History, Prof. Dr. Massimo de Leonardis​

Keynote Speech: Prof. Dr. António José Telo (PO)  "The military and the change of regime in Portugal"

11.45-12.00 — Coffee break

12.00-12.15 — Award Ceremony of the Corvisier Prize (Ivens Ferraz Auditorium)
12.15-12.30 — Adress­ by the Portuguese Minister of National Defense, Nuno Melo (TBC)
12.30-14.00 — Lunch at the Military University Institute (Event venue)​

14.00-16.00 — Working Sessions​

Working Session A1 (Ivens Ferraz Auditorium)

Transitions in 18th the Century 

Chair: Benny Michelsohn (Israel)  

Claudia Reichl-Ham (Austria)

“'Sine nobis, de nobis – without us [they decided] about us'. The Kuruc movement under Francis II Rákóczi and its fight against the Habsburgs for the 'liberation' of Hungary"

Sandrine Picaud-Monnerat (France)

“Une victoire lourde à porter: la difficile administration militaire de Berg op Zoom (1747-1749)"

Miguel Corrêa Monteiro (Portugal)

“The Guaraní War (1753-1756) and the role played by the Portuguese and Spanish coalition forces"

Tomasz Ciesielski (Poland)

“The impact of Russian military interventions on the political system and decline of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the 18th century based on the events of 1733-1735"​

Working Session A2 (Câmara Pina Auditorium)

National Transitions – Switzerland

Chair: Winfried Heinemann (Germany)

Marco Ciampini (Italy)

The new model army in the English Revolution. The importance and role of military structures in the social and political developments of new England"

Jean-Marc Hochstrasser (Switzerland)

“Influence réciproque des événements politiques dans les pays où se trouvaient des régiments suisses et effets des changements de circonstances dans ces troupes"

Derck Engelberts (Switzerland)

“Révolution(s) helvétique(s) et forces armées françaises en 1798: une situation atypique"

Dominique Andrey (Switzerland)

“Influences du système de milice sur la création de la Suisse moderne"​

Working Session A3 (Gago Coutinho Auditorium)

War and Revolutions in the 19th Century

Chair: Marcio Bergo (Brazil)

Frederic L Borch (USA)

“The U.S. Army & Reconstruction: Changing the Established Power Structure in the Former Confederate States (1865-1877)"​

Carmen-Sorina Rijnoveanu (Romania)

“The role of military in the political transition from an indigenous ruler to a foreign prince. The coup d'état from 11 February 1866 in the Romanian Principalities"

José Subtil & Daniel Estudante Protásio (Portugal)

“Portugal's first counter-revolutionary moment: Vilafrancada coup (1823). Major hypothesis for understanding what happened"​

Rui Moura (Portugal)

“Kingdom of Portugal, 1824 Abrilada. Subsidies for the Understanding of a Coup d'État"

16.30 — Return to the Lagoas Park Hotel

18.00 — Departure from the Lagoas Park Hotel

19.00 — 22.00 – Visit to the Navy Museum and Dinner offered by the Navy Chief of Staff (Dress 1)​

Tuesday, September 3

07.00-08.30 — Breakfast at the Lagoas Park Hotel (Dress 2)

08.30 — Departure from the Lagoas Park Hotel

09.30-12.00 — Meetings of ICMH Full Board and Committees (Meeting Rooms)​

09.30-11.00 — Working Se​ss​​ions​

Working Session B1 (Ivens Ferraz Auditorium)

Transitions in Latin America ​

Chair: Petteri Jouko (Finland)​

Manuel Casas Santero (Spain)

Cuban Emancipation (1868-1898). Military Aspects. Press Interference"

Oreste Foppiani (Switzerland)

The U.S. Military Intervention in Cuba and the Philippines: Humanitarian Motives Mixed with Geo-political and Geo-economic National Interests"

Anselm J. van der Peet (Netherlands)

The Castro Crisis: Dutch gunboat diplomacy and regime change in Venezuela 1908"

11.00-11.15 – Coffee break

11.15-12.30 – Working Session 

Working Session C1 (Ivens Ferraz Auditorium)

Political Crises and Military Interventions

Chair: Miguel Garcia de Gamarra (Spain)

Gianluca Pastori (Italy)

Between high politics and public order. The Italian army and its men in the 'turn-of-the-century crisis', 1896-1901"

António Paulo Duarte (Portugal)

Coup d'état, Revolution, Civil War: Towards a Theory of Intermittent Civil War in the First Portuguese Republic"

Jesse Pyles (Portugal)

Duplicity and ambivalence: British Officials and Officers Reactions to First Republic Coups"

Georg Frerks (Netherlands)

Manifestations and socio-economic and political determinants of military coups. An exploratory analysis"

12.45-14.00 — Lunch at the Congress Venue​

14.00-16.00 — Working Sessions​

Working Session D1 (Ivens Ferraz Auditorium)

PhD Candidates Workshop 1

Chair: Niels Poulsen (Denmark)

Szymon Glab (Poland)

“The Disbandment of the Exercito da India. Resentment and Acclimatisation in the writings of Germano Correia"

Lorenzo Bernardini (Italy)

Looking southwards. A Strategic History of Italy (1980-1988)"

Benjamin Pfannes (Germany)

“Strategic culture and military cooperation: The Franco-German Brigade before unity and divergence"

Dermot Rooney (UK)

“Veritable 1945: new methods for tactical historical analysis"

Working Session D2 (Câmara Pina Auditorium)

New States and Its Armed Forces

Chair: Christian Ortner (Austria)

Juho Kotakallio (Finland)

“I shall crown you King" – The military and political transaction in Finland 1918–1919"

Petteri Jouko (Finland)

Old Foes, New Friends – Military-Political Transition of the Finnish Defence after the Second World War"

Lasse Laaksonen (Finland)

“The former president has been kidnapped! The General Staff's attitude towards the Lapua Movement in Finland in 1930"

Pasi Tuunainen (Finland)

“President P. E. Svinhufvud and the Defence Forces during the 1932 Abortive Mäntsälä Coup Attempt in Finland"

Working Session D3 (Gago Coutinho Auditorium)

Post-war Transitions in Asia

Chair: Contente Fernandes (Portugal)

Omi Hatashin (Japan)

“The Conflicting Roles of the Imperial Japanese Army in the “August Revolution" of 1945"

Fu Shuanglong (China)

“The City Under Military Control After and Before the Founding of the People's Republic of China"

Yasuaki Chijiwa (Japan)

“The Changes of Government and National Security Policy in Postwar Japanese History"

Sunghun Cho (Republic of Korea)

“Relationship between the Chang Myon Government of the Second Republic of Korea and the Military"

16.30 — Return to the Lagoas Park Hotel

18.00 —Departure from the Lagoas Park Hotel

19.00-22.00 — Visit to the Palácio da Bemposta at the Army Military Academy and Dinner Offered by the Army Chief of Staff (Dress 1)​

Wednesday, September 4​

Cultural Day

All Day — Sightseeing tour to Mafra and surroundings (by bus) (Dress 3)


08.00 — Departure from the Lagoas Park Hotel (by bus) to Mafra

09.30 — Visit to the  National Palace of Mafra (World Heritage Site by UNESCO)

12.00 — Lunch at the Army School

14.00 — Departure from Mafra to the Lines of Torres Vedras (We recommend wearing suitable footwear for a short walk (around 800m X2) as well as sun protection)

— Wellington telegraph

­— Fort of Zambujal

17.40 — Visit to “Cabo da Roca"

18.30 — Arrival to the Lagoas Park Hotel

19.30 — Departure from the Lagoas Park Hotel to the centre of Lisbon for free dinner (optional)

22.30 — Departure from the centre of Lisbon (Rossio Square) and return to the hotel (optional)​

Thursday, September 5​

07.00-08.30 — Breakfast at the Lagoas Park Hotel (Dress 2)

08.30 — Departure from the Lagoas Park Hotel​

09.30-11.00 — Working Se​ss​​ions​

Working Session E1 (Ivens Ferraz Auditorium)

Armed Forces and Political Transformations ​

Chair: Álvaro Nóbrega (Portugal)

José Paulo Berger (Portugal)

“Portuguese Military Engineers and Politics"

David Brock Katz (South Africa)

The South African Military and Its Role in the South African Wars of Unification"

Thean Potgieter (South Africa)

“South Africa, Portugal and The Politics of Naval Acquisitions During The 1970s"

Working Session E2 (Câmara Pina Auditorium)

Political Crisis and Military Interventions – The Balkans

Chair: Carmen Sorina Rijnoveanu (Romania)

Daniela Șișcanu (Romania)

Bessarabia's Transition from Being a Part of Empire to National Independence. The Role of The Romanian Army in The Process of The Unification of Bessarabia with Romania, 1918"

Dimitar Minchev (Bulgaria)

The 9th Of June 1923 Coup D'état in Bulgaria"

Ion Rîșnoveanu (Romania)

The Role of The Military Personnel in Bringing The Future King Carol II In Romania On 6th June 1930"

Working Session E3 (Gago Coutinho Auditorium)

Democratic Transitions 

Chair: Antonis Fournaris (Cyprus)

Prokop Tomek (Czech Republic)

Submission of the Communist army to the new democratic regime in Czechoslovakia"

Petr Janoušek (Czech Republic)

Eyes on the West! The transformation in the Czechoslovak military's foreign orientation in 1989-1992"

Mario Christian Ortner (Austria)

The Employment of the Austro-Hungarian Army in the Suppression of Uprising in the Civil and Military Fields 1918"

11.00- 11.15 — Coffee break​

11.15-12.30 — Working Se​ss​​ions​

Working Session F1 (Ivens Ferraz Auditorium)

War and Regime Change

Chair: Efpraxia Paschalidou (Grece)

Winfried Heinemann (Germany)

“Two Coups: 20 July 1944 in Germany and 25 April 1974 in Portugal"

Flavio Carbone (Italy)

“The fall of fascism: when the Carabinieri arrested the Duce on 25 July 1943"

Benny Michelsohn (Israel)

“Two Jewish Officers who contributed to the return of the French 3rd Republic, June – August 1944"

Working Session F2 (Câmara Pina Auditorium)

Cold War Crisis

Chair: Dimitar Minchev (Bulgaria)

Davide Borsani (Italy)

“The Path to Rehabilitation, The Italian Navy's Role in the Aftermath of World War II"

Miloslav Čaplovič & Matej Medvecký (Slovakia)

“Occupation in 1968 and Slovakia"

Paolo Formiconi (Italy)

“Rejecting the wrong cause. Fascist plots and democratic loyalty in the Italian military institutions. 1961-1981"

Working Session F3 (Gago Coutinho Auditorium)

Humanitary Interventions 

Chair: António Paulo Duarte (Portugal)

Enrico Magnani (Italy)

“The UN mission in Namibia, the success of the transition"

Allon Klebanoff (Israel)

“God Save the Tsar!"

Faisal Al-Mandoos Al-Balooshi (United Arab Emirates)

“The UAE Armed Forces and their Humanitarian Role During Crises (Turkey and Syria Kuwait, Somalia, Libya Kosovo)"

12.30-14.00 — Lunch at the Congress Venue​

14.00-16.00 — Working Se​ss​​ions​

Working Session G1 (Ivens Ferraz Auditorium)

PhD Candidates Workshop 2

Chair: Ana Baltazar (Portugal)

Aby Tine (Senegal)

“Le rôle des militaires dans les transitions politiques au Burkina Faso: cas de Tomas Sankara"

Daniel Mata Roque (Brazil)

“Lieutenant Suarez: a female war veteran in the party politics of redemocratization in Brazil (1945-1947)"

Working Session G2 (Câmara Pina Auditorium)

Post-War Military Transitions 

Chair: Anselm J. van der Peet (Netherlands)

David Alaric Searle (Germany)

“Defeated But Still a Factor? The Role of the German Armed Forces in the Transition from War to Peace, 1919-1923"

Martin Rink (Germany)

West Germany's Army facing structural Reforms in an era of global upheaval, 1987-1994

Niels Bo Poulsen (Finland)

“War veterans in politics – the case of Denmark"

Christiaan van der Spek (Netherlands)

“The absence of coups d'état. The case of the Netherlands"​

Working Session G3 (Gago Coutinho Auditorium)

Portuguese Transition to Democracy 

Chair: Gianluca Pastori (Italy)

Pedro de Avillez (Portugal)

“The Military Coup of April 25th 1974 - An historical political decision by Portuguese military officers that opened the way to end the country's colonial wars and the return of a true Democratic Constitutional regime"

Joana de Matos Tornada (Portugal)

16th March 1974 - a coup that wasn't a coup on the eve of the Portuguese Democratic Revolution according to its Investigation Process"

João José Brandão Ferreira (Portugal)

“A Historical Perspective on the Military Interventions in Portugal"

16.30 — Return to the Lagoas Park Hotel

18.00 — Departure from the Lagoas Park Hotel

19.00-23.00 — Visit to the Air Force Museum and Dinner Offered by the Air Force Chief of Staff (Dress 1)​

Friday, September 6

07.00-08.30 — Breakfast at the Lagoas Park Hotel (Dress 2)

08.30 — Departure from the Lagoas Park Hotel​

09.30-11.00 — Working Se​ss​​ion

Working Session H1 (Ivens Ferraz Auditorium)

Portuguese Decolonization and Military Crisis

Chair: Harold E. Raugh Jr. (USA)

Pedro Aires Oliveira (Portugal)

“The Military in Timor and the 'Poisoned Waters' of Decolonisation in Portugal's Transition to Democracy"

Zélia Pereira (Portugal)

Inquiring into the intricacies of the decolonisation of Timor: the work of the Commission for the Analysis and Clarification of the Decolonisation Process in Timor and the Riscado report"

Working Session H2 (Câmara Pina Auditorium)

New Times, New Visions of the Military

Chair: Carlos Borges da Fonseca (Portugal)

David García Hernán (Spain)

“The Enlightened Navy and the Origins of Spanish Liberalism"

Alberto Rico Sánchez (Spain)

The first international mission of the Civil Guard: Portugal, 1847"

Israel Blajberg (Brasil)

Findings on Genealogy of Fonseca Family and the Role of Marshal Deodoro in the Fall of Monarchy in Brazil, 1889"

11.00- 11.15 — Coffee break​

11.15-12.30 — Working Se​ss​​ion

Working Session I1 (Ivens Ferraz Auditorium)

Military Interventions and Democratization

Chair: Dominique Andrey (Switzerland)

Mor Ndao (Senegal)

Le role du pouvoir militaire dans les changements anticonstitutionnels de gouvernement en Afrique. Le cas des forces armées dans les transitions politiques en Afrique de l'ouest de 1960 à nos jours"

Abel Esterhuyse (South Africa)

The Role of the Military in Political Transitions: The Ending of the Cold War and South African Democratisation"

I Wayan Agus Apriana (Indonesia)

The Role of Indonesian Military in Supporting Government Transition from New Era to Reform Era in 1998"

Working Session I2 (Câmara Pina Auditorium)

Military Interventions and New Beginnings 

Chair: Pedro Aires Oliveira (Portugal)

Jose Romero Serrano (Spain)

General Arsenio Martínez de Campos and the pronunciamiento In Sagunto (29 december 1874)"

Daniel Ayiotis (Irland)

The Role of the National Army in the Political Transition of Ireland, 1922-1924"

Virginie Wanyaka Bonguen O. (Cameroon)

“L'Afrique et les coups de bottes postindépendants: Enjeux, revisitation et  analyse d'un phénomène politico-militaire"

12.30-14.00 — Lunch at the Congress Venue

14.00-16.30 — ICMH General Assembly

16.45 — Return to the Lagoas Park Hotel

19.00-21.30 — Farewell Dinner at the Lagoas Park Hotel offered by the Chief of the General Staff of the Portuguese Armed Forces (Dress 1)​

Saturday, September 7​

All day — Transfer to the Airport

08.00 — Departure from the Lagoas Park Hotel to the Post-Congress Tour (Optional)

Sunday, September 8

All day — Transfer to the Airport

08.00 — Departure from the Lagoas Park Hotel to the Post-Congress Tour (Optional)

Monday, September 9

All day — Transfer to the Airport only for the Post-Congress Tour participants​

Dress Code:

Dress 1 – Formal business or Uniform

Dress 2 – Smart Casual or Uniform equivalent

Dress 3 – Casual ​