The organization of the XLIXth Congress of ICMH would recommend participants to stay at the Lagoas Park Hotel located in a pleasant and quiet area, about 15 minutes from the Military University Institute (IUM).
The organization of the XLIXth Congress of ICMH guarantees the transfers between this hotel (and only this hotel) and the Military University Institute (IUM) to all the places where the activities related to the organization of the XLIXth Congress of ICMH will take place, such as: airport, cultural-tour, dinners, post-congress tour, accompanying persons program.
The accommodation fee until June 30, 2024 will be:
Standard single room – 105.00 euro per room/night;
Standard twin room – 120.00 euro per room/night;
Executive twin room – 137.00 euro per room/night.
Participants at the XLIXth Congress of ICMH must book their rooms via the link with the promotion code ICMH2024 until June 30, 2024, date from which the accommodation reservation will not be guaranteed.
Payment for the stay is made directly on the hotel website

Lagoas Park Hotel contacts
+351 211 109 700
Rua Encosta das Lagoas
2740-245 Porto Salvo, Portugal
Accommodation form for PhD Candidates
PhD candidates are entitled to a maximum of one accompanying person staying at IUM (paying the same price for accommodation, including breakfast - 30€).
Bear in mind that PhD candidates accompanying person congress fee is 300€
PhD candidates must add to the registration fee the value of their accommodation at the IUM

IUM (Military University Institute)
R. de Pedrouços 122, 1449-027 Lisboa, Portugal